Dr. Vesna Dimitrieska is the Director of Global Education Initiatives at the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies and the School of Education at Indiana University. Her work focuses on expanding the world language programs in K–12 education across Indiana as well as internationalizing P–16 education. Also, she has been involved in Indiana University’s Global Classrooms initiative that focuses on virtual exchanges with academic institutions across the world. Dr. Dimitrieska’s research interests include language teacher identity, reflective practices of teacher educators, instructional practices in various language programs and curriculum internationalization. She has published articles and book chapters and leads joint IU Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies NRC Title VI Centers/IU School of Education teacher workshops and other professional development events. Dr. Dimitrieska is the 2024 Central States Conference Paul Simon Award for Promotion of Language and International Studies, 2023 ACTFL Leo Benardo Award for Innovation in K-12 Language, Education, 2020 national recipient of the Best Practice Award in Support of Global and International Perspectives from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, and the 2020 national award winner of the National Network for Early Language Learning.
Vesna Dimitrieska
Director of Global Education Initiatives at the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies and the School of Education at Indiana University