Program & Schedule

About Our Program

The ICCI program mixes dedicated small group workshops, focused on either course or campus internationalization, with large group sessions which encourage perspectives from across any institution. Some sessions are presentations, while others involve participants in activities. Different aspects of the ICCI program are meant to model ways to engage audiences in the internationalization process in higher education institutions.

Here you will find a preliminary version of the 2025 schedule, please check back for more information as we continue to work towards a final version.

Preliminary 2025 Schedule

Pre-Institute Workshop

This optional Pre-Institute Workshop, offered on the morning of the first day of the program, is designed for those new to the field of Global Learning and Internationalization and/or those attending ICCI for the first time.

Internationalization means different things to different people. Within higher education, it is a term in motion, with new meanings continually emerging as institutions engage with the broader world. This workshop will enable participants to sort out the wide range of definitions and goals now encompassed by the term - as essential context for guiding their own institutions in developing innovative and institutionally-relevant international strategies. To this end, we will examine the origins of the concept; its multiple and evolving definitions; the many, sometimes competing, goals that now drive it; the pros and cons of different approaches; the seismic shifts of the last two years; and what is gained by viewing internationalization as a globally collaborative process.

The final session was outstanding, and energized me after some busy and full days. I applaud you for that -- energizing people at the end of an institute is a big challenge!

ICCI Participant