This track will provide a strong foundation for internationalizing teaching and learning. By considering the importance of not just what our students know, but what we ask them to do with that knowledge, participants will think deeply about how they can engage their students and teach more deliberately toward globally responsible citizenship. Participants will be introduced to pedagogies, instructional methods, best practices, and innovative means of teaching and assessing international/global learning goals. They will work collaboratively to develop learning experiences for students that achieve specific international learning outcomes. Participants will learn how to design or revise a course such that it is intentionally international in scope. Ultimately, by the end of the institute, participants will have the skills, resources, and knowledge to teach more critically, effectively, and internationally.
This track explores the ways in which global learning both contributes to and is advanced by overall programs of internationalization at departmental, school, campus, and university levels. It uses presentations, break-out sessions, and the collective building of hypothetical internationalization plans to examine the following issues: 1) making the case for internationalization; 2) planning for internationalization; and 3) implementing internationalization.
Participants will be able to:
- Articulate the importance and meaning of internationalization to appropriate stakeholders
- Identify the internationalization continuum and their institution's current position
- Apply the Five Phase Planning Process to creating an Internationalization Plan
- Phase One - Setting the Stage by Identifying Key Indicators and Stakeholders for Success
- Phase Two – Data Gathering through Internationalization Asset Mapping
- Phase Three – Vision Setting / Connecting Institutional Missions and International Vision
- Phase Four – Establishing Internationalization Goals, Strategies, and Metrics
- Phase Five – Implementation and Assessment
- Identify individual and organizational responses to change and develop skills for productively managing those responses
- Learn and share best practices