- Pronouns:
- (he/him/él)

Dr. Eric Castillo (he/him/él) is a second-generation Xicano from Yanaguana/San Antonio, Tejas, a social justice practitioner, and scholar helping to create a just, compassionate, and liberated world.
Committed to the lifelong practice of solidarity and peacemaking, he co-leads and co-creates opportunities where people can collectively flourish and work towards positive and sustainable social change. His community organizing background focuses on immigration, education equity, and racial justice and he facilitates community healing circles, truth, healing, and transformation programs, along with various community-based projects such as the First Peoples Project of Yanaguana, CompassionateUSA, and the Black Westside History Project.
Dr. Castillo co-creates humanizing ecosystems where people and communities can grow, thrive, and flourish. He serves as Associate Vice Chancellor for Arts, Culture, and Community Impact for the Alamo Community Colleges District and also teaches Sociology and the Graduate Capstone Course on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at the University of Florida.